Time to boost your brand loyalty

Posted 19.03.2021

By Annabel Thomas

Surprisingly, in a world full of constant options, products, services and discounts, 90% of consumers report being loyal to their favourite brands. So, what exactly is brand loyalty and how do you harness it? 

Well, brand loyalty can be defined as the way customers will repeatedly choose a favoured brand over the competition, for example, buying Heinz ketchup over own brand versions. Achieving this level of loyalty and trust is something many businesses long to accomplish. We are going to break down some simple ways you can boost brand loyalty for your business and see tangible results and repeat customers…

1. A personal touch

Your word of mouth reputation is something that can make or break your business – fostering meaningful connections with your customers and clients is a surefire way to build a strong word of mouth reputation. Depending on your business and the industry you are in, there are different ways you can do this. Whether that be consistently going above and beyond client expectations, taking the time to get to know your customers on a personal level, or by building strong relationships with them through online interactions. 

Having exceptional customer service really makes all the difference. 95% of customers report that customer service is an essential factor in choosing a brand. Invest in your customer service journey and ensure you meet the needs of your target audience.

2. Loyalty Schemes

One of the best ways to build brand loyalty is through loyalty schemes. They are an effective way of gaining repeat customers; 83% of customers said they are more likely to return to your business if there is a loyalty scheme in place! So whether you offer financial incentives such as discounts after a certain number of orders, give your loyal customers exclusive access to new stock or entry into competitions, you can expect to create loyal customers. 

For example, The North Face offers an amazing loyalty scheme to its customers through their VIPeak program. They give out points in the traditional way based on customer orders but also through checking into certain venues, attending events and downloading the North Face app. The North Face then rewards their loyal customers in ways that truly speak to them, by allowing them to use points on unique travel experiences, such as mountain climbing adventures in Nepal.

Time to boost brand loyalty

3. Create trust

If customers are parting with their hard earned money to buy a product or service from you, there are certain expectations they expect to be met. If you under-deliver, offer poor quality products or haven’t perfected your customer service journey, you will run into issues. Poor reviews and word of mouth reputation can be extremely damaging and spread like wildfire. 

As there is access to plenty of information online, it is easy for customers who have a bad experience with your business to shout about it. Think of all the times you have seen a bad Amazon review or a low Trustpilot score and been put off making a purchase! Manage negative feedback appropriately, swiftly and professionally. Aim to always exceed customer expectations and create a WOW factor whenever customers interact with your brand.

Building brand loyalty is the best way to create repeat customers. Whether you need help with creating your branding, perfecting your online presence and website we are here to help! Get in touch with us today…

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