How To Come Up With Blog Ideas

Posted 23.11.2017

By Lucy Bradley

We are all aware of the importance of putting fresh original content up on our websites, and blog posts are a great way to do this; whilst also providing the opportunity for you to show off your expertise in your industry. The difficulty doesn’t always come in the writing of the posts, but coming up with the ideas behind them. That’s why we’ve put together this handy post listing ways you can use to ensure you’ll never run out of inspiration for your blog.

Topics Related To Your Services

A relatively easy starting point is to create a list of topics centred around the services you provide. This allows you to show your expertise within these areas, as well providing you with the opportunity to use multiple industry-specific keywords. Writing about topics directly related to your services also provides users on your site with greater information on the services you offer, helping to gain a better understand and may encourage them to enquire.

Industry Trends

Blogging on industry trends is a great way to better educate yourself, stay relevant within your market and keywords related to these areas are likely to have high search volumes (helping you to rank in the SERPs). Anything like changes to relevant legislation, techniques or simple predictions for what may happen in the next few months is a great source of content. If you’re unsure of what is trending use the Google Trends tool.

High Volume Search Keywords

This links to the above points, but taking the time to do some keyword research to identify topics and keywords that have high search volumes can help both as a ranking factor, and to give you further ideas to blog about (in which to utilise these keywords). Whether this be in topics related to your services/industry, trends or by leveraging current events.

Leveraging Current Events

In a similar way to blogging about industry trends, leveraging current events is a great way to remain relevant and rank for keywords with high search volumes. If users see your blog posts is linked in some way to something they already have prior knowledge or interest in, they are more likely to engage with your post further. We did this with our post on Apple’s marketing strategy (which you can read here), which was posted at the time of the launch of the iPhone X, it allowed us to make links between a current affair, our own industry and blog about a popular topic within our target market. However, it is important to pick events that are in some way relevant to your business, so that you can appeal to your own specific target market.

Talk To Your Customers

Writing about what your customers actually want to see and gain a better understanding into can help when it comes to coming up with blogging ideas. Consider putting some ideas together around questions customers are typically asking you, or you see being asked commonly within your industry. It’ll help you to clear up customers queries, again utilise high search volume keywords. Your customers will be a continuous stream of content ideas for you.

Reading Other Content

Reading other blogs and articles related to your industry is one of the best and easiest ways to gain inspiration for blog ideas going forward, it can also really help to aid your writing style. Other bloggers may write about topics in ways you hadn’t thought about previously or may be able to help you to relate certain topics to your industry that might not have come to mind.

A helpful tip is to take notes on any interesting articles you read or anything related to topics you plan to blog on in order to build up a list of points you might look to include in the post; thus making it easier when you come to writing the blog post.

Brain Storming Session

Coming up with ideas on your own is always more difficult, but getting together with your team to come up with ideas can be a quicker way of coming if you’re struggling with what to blog about. You can also gain valuable insights into the ways others think about certain topics, whether they be experts in your field and co-workers or your target audience who don’t have the expertise. Any feedback can be turned into a great blog post if you listen and bounce ideas amongst your colleagues.

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