Having A Mobile-First Mindset In Your Marketing

Posted 16.08.2017

By Lucy Bradley

By the end of the year 44% of the world population will own a smartphone, therefore having a mobile first mindset when it comes to your marketing efforts is increasingly important. Mobile marketing allows you to reach more people in a more targeted and immediate way. Don’t fall short of your competitors by not making the most out of mobile marketing! This post will help you to realise the full potential of mobile marketing, as well as how you can include it in your own marketing strategy.


60% of all searches are now carried out on a mobile device, and 33% of those mobile searches are local. With more and more people using their smartphone to find places to visit, or somewhere to eat on the move, why wouldn’t you want to make the most out of the opportunity to meet their needs and gain more business? If your business serves locally, looking at improving your visibility online is vital to gaining exposure, as well as driving that all important traffic to your website.

However, thinking about adapting to mobile users in the search engines isn’t only important for local businesses. If you think about a mobile user’s needs, they are looking for information and they want it fast – and they’ll go for whoever best does that, in terms of who appears higher in the SERPS. This shows the importance of doing your keyword research and getting into the mindset of a smartphone user, in terms of the language they use and keywords and phrases they are likely to search.

Using structured data markup is also a brilliant tool when it comes to aiding your mobile marketing efforts in the search engines. It helps to give more information to the user about your site without actually having to click through to the site – something that is increasingly popular with mobile users. Obviously you still want users to click through to your website, and if you can provide them with more valuable information simply in the search engines, it is more likely they will click through to your site than a competitor.


Mobile marketing should be at the front of your mind when it comes to having an ecommerce site, especially when in 2016, 78% of consumers made a purchase on their mobile device. It’s important to think about the user journey within your website; this should be simplified for mobile use and also guide the consumer through the sales funnel in order to encourage a purchase.With your website, you could decide to upsell products, or have certain featured products and call to actions that are more likely to encourage a purchase.

Furthermore, if you have an app for your ecommerce site, this is something that is for solely for use on mobiles and tablet – you can create a user journey suitable for mobiles. As well as thinking about the on app experience, thinking about push notifications is highly important when it comes to encouraging an action from the user.

Social Media

It’s no surprise that mobile dominates when it comes to social media, so it’s important that copy and communications using social media is targeted to those on mobiles. This could be in terms of the actual copy you publish. Twitter has character limits, however for platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn try and keep copy to a minimum, whilst still creating engaging content for the user. Using social media also aids the element of conversation and engagement with your target market, which is great for adding a more personal element to your marketing. After all, people like to buy from people.

In addition to this, it is important to create a social media schedule in order to establish the most effective times to post on each platform to best engage with your target market, in order to generate the best results (you can read more about the best ways to do this here).

Site Optimised for Mobiles

Now whilst you’re wanting to drive all this traffic to your website from your mobile marketing, if your site isn’t optimised for mobiles, then your efforts will be wasted. Mobile users want information in a different way to those on a desktop; looking for bite sized, valuable information that meets their needs in the moment. Content should succinct in order to provide value to the user and answer their queries. A well designed mobile site should having plenty of calls to action, and a simplified user journey that are more likely to guide a user to converting. Therefore, whilst optimising your site for mobile aids the actual user, it is also more likely to result in a conversion for yourself.

Paid Ads

In line with how you incorporate mobile marketing into the way you come up in search engines – you should also think about this when it comes to any paid advertising you’re doing. It’s crucial to think about what mobile users will be searching for, highlighting the importance of in depth keyword research to be able to target these users effectively. This will also affect the ad copy you’re putting with any ads – the copy needs to be engaging, relevant and prompt an action from the mobile user. Furthermore, your use of ad extensions should be considered, features such as calling and instant messaging your business can be done straight from a user’s smartphone, and is more likely to lead to that initial contact from the user. This is something our team are experts in – so we can definitely help you out!

These are only some of the ways you can get into the mindset on a mobile user and really make the most of your mobile marketing. But whether it’s your email marketing or web design, make sure mobile users are at the forefront of your mind as their presence grows in the marketing world.

If improving your digital marketing game is something you’re interested in doing – get in touch with our team today! You can book a free consultation with our team here.

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